Libro de estrategias del tercer adviento
What is a Playbook? Each Adventure Zine includes a Playbook which is an original script that is inspired by the story, characters, and scripture covered in the zine. You will notice that each chapter of your zine begins with a play where StoryMakers get to act out a part of the story covered in that chapter—the Playbook contains a different but related script. We encourage grown-ups and StoryMakers alike to get creative with how they use the Playbook—StoryMakers of every age can participate in playing all the parts.
Who is the Playbook for? Playbooks are for anyone who enjoys telling the story of God’s faithfulness to his people. Some churches use the Playbook in their Sunday school opening time, some use it in a worship service, teachers use it in classrooms, and families play all the parts together at home. Level up with shadow puppets, costumes, and DIY stages and puppet houses.
How many Playbooks do I need to order? This depends on how you intend to use them. If you are performing the play at church or in your classroom, you’ll want a Playbook for each speaking part. Or maybe you want to have extras on hand to send home as a family resource or a gift for a visitor to your ministry. The Playbook is a versatile and engaging way for StoryMakers of all ages to embody the story.
How does the Playbook work with the Adventure Zine? Playbooks contain an original script that is in addition to the scripts included in each chapter of the zine. The Playbook scripts are inspired by the characters, stories, and scripture included in the zine. You will notice as you go through the zine that your StoryMakers cannot get enough of the plays, so they will be delighted to have a bonus one to act out.
Are these products for church or home? StoryMakers Playbooks can be used in church, school or home settings! They are a versatile resource that allows kids, teens and grown-ups to embody the story and spark faith through the imagination. Playbooks are easy to use without a lot of prep and can easily be used in big Sunday school classrooms, small homeschool co-ops, or when visiting with friends or family. They make great resources and even better gifts!
Why do you refer to children as “StoryMakers”? We believe all humans are “story makers” because we are created in the image of God, the Ultimate Story Maker! We know kids are creative, thoughtful, and imaginative beings with the ability to connect to their faith through the stories of the Bible.
How do adventures “spark the imagination”? We believe imagination is one of every child’s most valuable resources, and it is an ideal access point for the story of God’s great love. The stories of the Bible are peppered with action, drama, rebellion, and redemption. Through creative engagement, children can experience these stories with curiosity, questions, empathy, and surprising insight as they recognize themselves in the stories and see their own need for God.
When will my order ship? Most products ship within 1-7 business days, with the exception of some subscriptions and pre-sale items. All orders are shipped UPS unless otherwise specified or shipping to a P.O. Box. If you have questions about our order policies, shipping policies, or returns, please see our Store Policies and Terms and Conditions or contact smsupport@storymakersnyc.com.