Elisabeth Cruciger

Dec 09, 2024Storymakers NYC


Elisabeth Cruciger was born to a noble, wealthy family around 1500. She spent her early years in Eastern Pomerania, in what is now Northwest Poland. When she was only fifteen years old, she became a nun. At that time, many families sent their young daughters away to become nuns and not to summer camp. People believed they could call on God for special favor if they did something for him, like offering their daughters to a nunnery.

StoryMakers, we know that is not how God works- we don’t need to earn points with God to get special favors. He loves us equally and doesn’t ask for anything more than our hearts. But, before the Reformation, people were confused, and let’s be honest, people still get confused and make offerings to God. In this case, Elisabeth was sent away to serve at an abbey.

At the Abbey, Elisabeth heard the Good News of Jesus, that you do not need to earn points to reach God or to earn his love. You see Jesus does the heavy lifting on our behalf and that is great news! Elisabeth was so excited, that she moved to Wittenberg, Germany, and lived with the people who had shared the Good News with her.

She became friends with Martin Luther, one of the most famous Reformers of all time. Elisabeth met Luther’s assistant, Caspar, and married him in 1522. She dove right into dinner conversations and debates with Caspar, Luther, and other people who were passionate about grace and mercy for all.

Fun-Fact: Elisabeth was also a poet. She wrote a hymn titled, “Lord Christ, the Only Son of God,” that Martin Luther included in his second hymnal, published in 1524. Did you know, Elisabeth lived at a time when women were not included in education, writing, music or ministry? Elisabeth used her gifts of musical talent and beautiful words to share the new life we have in Jesus. You can find her hymn in the Lutheran hymnal today.

Even though she was given to the Abbey by her family to earn them favor with God, her hymn tells a different story. She reminds us that God loves us and is always drawing us into his family no matter what.

Let us grow in your love and knowledge,
so that we might abide in faith, thus serving you in Spirit,
That we might here taste your sweetness in our hearts
And always thirst for you


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