What is a Zine?

Zine is short for the magazine...we call our adventure series zines so that children and teens are drawn into the story. Sundays and spiritual formation can be creative and fun. The zines are a fresh way to engage the Bible, connect in a group, and create.

How many weeks does a Zine cover?

The Old Testament series covers 12 weeks worth of material. The Advent Series covers 4-Weeks, Easter covers 8-weeks, and Lent 6-weeks in total. The idea is for children to experience two-Old Testament stories a year and three-New Testament stories a year. There are plenty of fun extras to enjoy along the way.

Why Subscribe?

StoryMakers makes it easy for your church or family to delve into the Bible all year long. We hope to tuck the word of God in the hearts of kids and teens. Our Zines make it so easy, that they won’t even feel like they are “studying.” Our team has created a rhythm that moves kids, through the Bible all year long.

Where does StoryMakers ship to?

StoryMakers ships using UPS and Priority Mail across the country and internationally. Make your shipping selection and we will do the rest! Orders are shipped within 5-7 business days of placing an order.


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Confirmation emails are automatically generated when an order has been placed. Orders are processed by the StoryMakers team Monday-Friday at our headquarters in New York City. Orders placed after 6 PM EST will not be processed until the following business day. You will receive a second email when your order has shipped with tracking information.

We make every effort to fulfill orders as quickly as possible without compromising quality. Estimated shipping times displayed at checkout do not include processing time. Shipping times are not guaranteed and may be impacted by weather delays and other unforeseen circumstances.

In-stock orders are shipped within 1-7 business days (Monday through Friday, not including holidays) following order placement unless otherwise stated in the product shop listing (i.e. pre-sale items). Orders are shipped UPS unless otherwise specified or unless the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box. If the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box, shipment must be sent via USPS and must be noted at checkout.

Customers will receive a tracking number for each package at the time of shipment via email. StoryMakers is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. StoryMakers is not responsible for unsuccessful deliveries due to incorrect addresses inputted at the time of purchase or if the recipient is not available for delivery.

If the items in your shipment do not match the items on your enclosed packing list, StoryMakers will provide a return label for the items to be returned. StoryMakers is not responsible for incorrectly placed orders.

Family subscribers receive four shipments in a calendar year. Each Old Testament Adventure and Advent series ship separately. The Lent and Easter adventures are shipped together.

Orders are shipped UPS unless otherwise specified or unless the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box. If the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box, the shipment must be sent via USPS and must be noted at checkout.

Customers will receive a tracking number for each package at the time of shipment via email. StoryMakers is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. StoryMakers is not responsible for unsuccessful deliveries due to incorrect addresses inputted at the time of purchase or if the recipient is not available for delivery.

If the items in your shipment do not match the items on your enclosed packing list, StoryMakers will provide a return label for the items to be returned. StoryMakers cannot accommodate changes to selected series after checkout. StoryMakers is not responsible for incorrectly placed orders.

K-5th Church subscribers receive three shipments in a calendar year. 6th-12th Church subscribers receive two shipments in a calendar year.

K-5th shipping schedule: Both Old Testament adventures ship in July, Advent ships in October, Lent and Easter ship in January of the following year.

6th-12th shipping schedule: July 1 zine selection ships, January 2nd zine selection ship.

*if you would like materials sooner, please reach out to smsupport@storymakersnyc.com to arrange shipping.

Each shipment will include all physical curriculum pieces. Digital files will be sent separately via email.

Orders are shipped UPS unless otherwise specified or unless the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box. If the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box, the shipment must be sent via USPS and must be noted at checkout.

Customers will receive a tracking number for each package at the time of shipment via email. Customers will receive a separate email with the digital files that accompany the shipped adventures. StoryMakers is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. StoryMakers is not responsible for unsuccessful deliveries due to incorrect addresses inputted at the time of purchase or if the recipient is not available for delivery.

If the items in your shipment do not match the items on your enclosed packing list, StoryMakers will provide a return label for the items to be returned. StoryMakers cannot accommodate changes to selected series after checkout.

If you need to increase your subscription, you will incur additional shipping charges for additional shipments. To make changes to your subscription, contact the StoryMakers Sales Team at smsupport@storymakersnyc.com.

If a refund is needed for any reason you have 14 days to initiate a refund based on our refund policy. No refunds will be issued to subscriptions outside of the 14 day window. No discounts will be retroactively applied unless you flag your order within 48 hours of placing the order. No Church Match discounts or Partner discounts are automatically applied.

StoryMakers Classroom orders ship in July ahead of the upcoming school year. If you would like your order shipped at a different time, please notify the StoryMakers Sales Team at smsupport@storymakersnyc.com.

Orders are shipped UPS unless otherwise specified or unless the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box. If the purchased items are shipping to a P.O. Box, the shipment must be sent via USPS and must be noted at checkout.

Customers will receive a tracking number for each package at the time of shipment via email. Customers will receive a separate email with the digital files that accompany the shipped adventures. StoryMakers is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. StoryMakers is not responsible for unsuccessful deliveries due to incorrect addresses inputted at time of purchase or if the recipient is not available for delivery.