Adviento uno Zine
Sumérgete en la temporada de Adviento con tus StoryMakers. Cada capítulo incluye seis oportunidades para participar en la lección. Grandes y pequeños quedarán cautivados por lo que significa que la luz entró en la oscuridad durante esta mágica época del año.
La serie Advent One incluye los relatos de Jesús, los Reyes Magos y el ángel Gabriel.
El Zine incluye cuatro temas:
Esperanza: La luz entra en las tinieblas: Juan 1:5
Paz: Pequeños Milagros: Lucas 1:28
Alegría: Tangible Medios: Mateo 1:23
Amor: El Rey: Juan 1:17
Adviento Uno Incluye:
Cuatro capítulos
6 secciones por capítulo
Páginas para colorear
paginas de comics
*Las revistas de StoryMakers están destinadas a ser utilizadas por un solo niño y no pueden reproducirse. Cada revista tiene espacio para reflexionar, tomar notas y garabatear. Los fanzines son un lugar para que un niño exprese sus preguntas, reflexiones y descubrimientos mientras explora las historias antiguas de la Biblia y la fe en Dios.
Does each child really need their own zine? Yes! Zines have space for reflection, note-taking, and doodling, so each child will want their own. We designed StoryMakers zines to be a place for individuals to express their questions, discoveries, and creativity as they explore the ancient stories of the Bible and their faith in God.
What else do I need along with the zine? Zines are designed to be stand-alone products, and you can dive in as soon as you take it out of the box with whatever art supplies you have on hand. If you want an even richer experience, we recommend grabbing the Playbook and Memory Cards that go along with the Adventure Zine you have selected. Although not required, grown-ups leading the adventure will appreciate having a Zine Guide and/or a Teacher’s Guide to help them along the way.
How long will it take to go through a zine? We recommend working through zines at a pace of one chapter per week. The Old Testament Zines have 12 chapters. The New Testament Seasonal Zines vary depending on the liturgical season: Advent Zines have 4 chapters, Easter Zines have 8 chapters, and Lent Zines have 6 chapters. The idea is for children to experience two Old Testament stories a year and three New Testament stories a year. Following that model, StoryMakers material covers about 42 weeks. Plus, there are plenty of fun extras to enjoy along the way!
What age range are your zines recommended for? Adventure Zines are designed to be accessible to children from ages 6-12, making it possible for families or small churches to use them in groups with varying ages. Adventure Zines offer six points of entry for students with different learning styles to engage with the lesson: creative visuals, interactive storytelling, field notes, fun facts, thoughts to ponder, and hands-on activities. Teen Zines are designed for middle school and high school students, ages 13-18. For help deciding which zine is right for your StoryMakers, use the “Shop by Age” dropdown menu or request a digital sample to take a peek inside.
Are these products for church or home? Both! StoryMakers resources are all designed with the child in mind and can be used wherever children are! Our products are easy to use without a lot of prep and can easily be used in big Sunday school classrooms, small homeschool co-ops, or when visiting with grandparents.
Why do you refer to children as “StoryMakers”? We believe all humans are “story makers” because we are created in the image of God, the Ultimate Story Maker! We know kids are creative, thoughtful, and imaginative beings with the ability to connect to their faith through the stories of the Bible.
How do adventures “spark the imagination”? We believe imagination is one of every child’s most valuable resources, and it is an ideal access point for the story of God’s great love. The stories of the Bible are peppered with action, drama, rebellion, and redemption. Through creative engagement, children can experience these stories with curiosity, questions, empathy, and surprising insight as they recognize themselves in the stories and see their own need for God.
When will my order ship? Most products ship within 1-7 business days, with the exception of some subscriptions and pre-sale items. All orders are shipped UPS unless otherwise specified or shipping to a P.O. Box. If you have questions about our order policies, shipping policies, or returns, please see our Store Policies and Terms and Conditions or contact smsupport@storymakersnyc.com.