The Jews did not realize that Jesus himself would be the forever temple. They did not know they were speaking to the “rock” not created by human hands who would crush all other kingdoms and endure forever.

Is the Bible an exciting adventure? Tune in for an interesting and fun chat on the Old Story. Join Mel and Chad Bird, Biblical Scholar, to discover how to engage the Bible's text with ease. If you are someone who wonders where to even begin, this episode is for you. Chad Bird is an incredible writer, and at the heart of it all, a storyteller that whispers hope to all that read his work.

Join us for a conversation with Rev. Matthew Hoskinson. If you are a dad wondering what it means to shepherd your kids through faith, this is the episode for you. Matthew shares his faith story with StoryMakers. He is a dynamic director of an innovative, interdenominational urban ministry institute. Listen in on how Grace impacts your approach in parenting.

Tune into the pod to hear what it means to parent with confidence. Will and Courtney, founders of Crew and Co., share God's story and what it means to experience faith at home. Courtney is a visual artist and Will is an author. Together they create resources that spark the imagination and faith.