Easter Two Starter Kit
Start your Easter adventure together with the Easter Two Starter Kit. Each kit includes all the essential tools you need to get started with a group.
Easter Two: Luke’s Story takes StoryMakers on an 8-week adventure into the ancient world with the apostle Luke as a tour guide! The Easter Two Zine* journeys through the book of Acts to discover what life was like in the Roman Empire. Along the way, you’ll meet many saints in the early church who bravely shared God’s story wherever the Holy Spirit led them. And as we use our imaginations to travel back in time, we’ll read stories, witness miracles, and get a special sneak peek of how amazing life can be when the world knows the ultimate StoryMaker, Jesus.
- Luke (Acts 1-2)
- Easter People (Acts 5)
- Saint Stephen (Acts 6-7)
- Surprise, Surprise (Acts 9)
- The First Church (Acts 11-12)
- Road Trip (Acts 13-14)
- Shipwrecked! (Acts 25-27)
- Dear Saints (Acts 28)
Every chapter of the zine offers six points of entry to engage with the lesson, including creative visuals, interactive storytelling, field notes, fun facts, thoughts to ponder, and hands-on activities, plus comic pages and coloring pages! Zines are designed to be enjoyed in church with friends or at home with family. We recommend exploring one chapter a week.
Each Easter Two Starter Kit includes:
- 5 Easter Two Zines*
- 2 Easter Two Zine Guides
- 2 Easter Two Memory Card sets
8 Easter Two Digital Posters - digital download
*Each StoryMaker will need their own zine. Zines have space for reflection, note-taking, and doodling. Zines are a place for a child to express their questions, discoveries, and creativity as they explore the ancient stories of the Bible and their faith in God.