The Stars Zine
Have you ever tried to count the stars in the sky? It’s impossible. But God calls them each by name. Old Testament Adventure Three: The Stars is all about the real adventures of one family and God’s plan to bless the whole world through them. The Stars Zine* retells the stories from Genesis 11-33 over the course of 12 chapters, introducing kids to Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, Jacob, Leah, and Rachel. These characters face seemingly impossible situations and experience big emotions like fear and jealousy. In the middle of it all, God is there, ready to share a great PROMISE and HOPE for the whole world. StoryMakers are invited to take a closer look at these ancient stories and get curious about questions like “What do God’s promises mean from generation to generation?” and “How does this all point to Jesus?”
Every chapter of the zine offers six points of entry to engage with the lesson, including creative visuals, interactive storytelling, field notes, fun facts, thoughts to ponder, and hands-on activities. Zines are designed to be enjoyed in church with friends or at home with family. We recommend exploring one chapter a week.
*Each StoryMaker will need their own zine. Zines have space for reflection, note-taking, and doodling. Zines are a place for a child to express their questions, discoveries, and creativity as they explore the ancient stories of the Bible and their faith in God.